
Saving Account

Arihant Bank offers saving deposit facility with customer-friendly benefits and plans. Any individual, organization, association or club can open a savings deposit account. The interest is calculated @ 2.70% p.a. W.E.F. 1 June 2024 .
Note: As per the RBI Guideline interest will be calculated on the basis of Daily Product and will be credited to the account at half yearly intervals in March and September.

If a minimum balance of Rs. 500/- (without cheque book) & Rs. 1000/- (with cheque book facility) is not maintained, the bank will charge incidental charges (hyperlink) at the rates as in force from time to time.

ATM cards are issued free of cost for the facility of cash withdrawal up to Rs.50,000/- in a day from account.

Passbook is issued to every savings bank depositor.