
Report A

(Amount Rs. in Lakhs)
Paid up Capital 904.78 919.21 889.87
Reserves 2981.09 3312.73 3674.35
Deposits 34355.49 37746.78 37668.90
Advances 18493.12 17144.35 16343.98
Investment 14238.24 18974.74 14787.17
Profit 148.68 63.97 (223.03)
Gross NPA 4.95% 6.92% 6.82%
Net NPA 2.38% 3.85% 2.97%
Gross Income (Inclusive of Non Operating Income) 3821.15 3462.58 3163.54
Income Tax Paid 187.70 53.27 -
CRAR Ratio 20.04% 22.18% 21.54%
Cost of Deposits 5.77% 5.64% 5.20%
Yield on Advances 10.73% 10.02% 9.92%
Yield on Investments 7.43% 6.51% 6.16%
Audit Rating "A" "A" "B"
Dividend Declared As per RBI circular
dated 04th December 2020,
no Dividend payment to be
made on equity shares from
the profits pertaining
to the financial year ended March 31, 2020.
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DICGC Cover : Upto Rs.5.00 Lakhs (w.e.f. 04.02.2020)
CRR/SLR : No Default at any time

Fixed deposit with other banks of Rs. 4466.73 lakhs and call money of Rs. 650.00 lakhs are shown under ‘Balance with other Banks-Fixed Deposit’ and ‘Money at call & short notice’ respectively.