
Report A

(Amount Rs. in Lakhs)
Particulars Charges (w.e.f 01st July 2024)
1.I/w Chq. Return Charges Savinga/c: Rs250/- per instrument

Current/CC/OD/Loan A/c:Rs.500/- per instrument.
2.O/w Chq. Return Charges Saving a/c Rs.100/-per instrument

Current/CC/OD/Loan A/c :Rs.200/- per instrument
3.ECS Debit Return Charges Facility Discontinued
4.ECS Credit Return Charges Facility Discontinued
5.ACH DR / CR Return Charges Rs. 150/-
6.ABPS DR / CR Return Charges Rs. 150/-
Particulars Charges
1.Saving A/c's Cheque book Rs.2/-per Cheque Leaf
2.Current, C.C & OD A/c's Cheque book Rs.5/- per Cheque Leaf
C. PAY-ORDER CHARGES (by Cheque) :
Particulars Charges
1.Up To Rs. 5,000/- Rs.100/-
2.Above Rs. 5,000/- to Rs. 10,000/- Rs.100/-
3.Above Rs. 10,000/- to Rs.1 lac Rs. 100/- or 0.25% of amount, whichever is higher with maximum cap of Rs. 1000
Particulars Charges
1.Up To Rs. 5,000/- Rs.100/-
2.Above Rs. 5,000/- to Rs. 10,000/- Rs.100/-
3.Above Rs. 10,000/- to Rs. 1 lac Rs. 100/-
4.Above Rs. 1 lacs Rs.100/- or 0.25% of amount, whichever is higher with maximum cap of Rs. 1000
E. DD/PO By Cash below Rs. 50,000/- only (In case of Cancellation refund will not be made in cash)
1.Upto Rs.10,000/- Rs.100/-
2.Rs.10,000/- to Rs.49,000/- Rs.200/-
3.If party deposited Cash in their A/c and requires DD/PO on same day. Rs.300/-
3.Cancellation Charges

PO Cancellation Charges:RS.100/-

DD Cancellation Charges:Rs.500/-
Particulars Charges
1.NEFT: upto Rs. 10,000/- Rs.2.50
2.NEFT :Above Rs.10000/- Upto Rs. 1.00 lacs Rs.5/-
3.NEFT: Above Rs.1.00 lacs upto Rs.2.00 lacs Rs.15/-
4.NEFT Above Rs.2.00 lacs Rs.25/-
5.RTGS:Above Rs.2.00 lacs Upto Rs.5.00 lacs Rs.25/-
6.RTGS: Above Rs.5.00 lacs Rs.50/-
7.Tax Remittance (Per Transaction) Rs.100/-
8.IMPS - Credit Nil
9.IMPS – Debit (upto Rs. 20,000/-) Rs. 10/-
10.IMPS – Debit (above Rs.20,000/- to Rs.2.00 Lacs.) Rs. 20/-
11.IMPS – Debit (above Rs.2.00 lacs/- to Rs.5.00 lacs/-) Rs. 30/-
G. FIBC Charges:
Particulars Charges
1.FIBC Actual Charges Debited by HDFC Bank + Our Charges – 100% of HDFC Actual Charges
H. IBC/OBC Charges:
Particulars Charges
Upto Rs 10,000/- Rs.250/-
+ DD Comm+Postage Chrgs
Above Rs 10,000/- Rs.500/-
+ DD Comm+Postage Chrgs
Particulars Charges
1.Folio Charges Half Yearly basis *Rs.25/- per Page
2.Stop Payment Charges (SB A/c's) Rs. 250/- and in case of entire Chq book with Maximum cap of Rs.1500/-
3.Stop Pmt.Charges of Cheques other than SB / DD / PO Rs. 500/- and in case of entire chq book with maximum cap of Rs.1500/-.
4.Stop Payment Revocation Charges Rs. 500/- per instrument.
5.Cash Handling Charges(Free Limit)

Saving Account:Upto Rs.2 lacs per day

Current Account:Upto Rs.9 lacs per day

CC/OD/TL:Upto Rs.5.00 lacs per day

6.Cash Deposit beyond free Limt Rs.2/- per Rs.1000/-,subject to minimum Rs. 50/-
7.Late Cash Deposit Rs. 500/-
8.Change in Operating instructions One change free in a FY and for additional change Rs.500/-
9.Monthly Average Balance to be Maintained in Saving Account For Non Cheque Book FacilityRs.500/-

With Cheque book Facility :Rs.1000/-
10.Charges for Non-Maintenance of Minimum Balance in Saving Account Rs.25/- per month/-
11.Monthly Ave.Balance to be maintained in CA A/c Rs. 5000/-
12.Charges for NON - Maintenance of Minimum Balance in CA Account Rs. 500/-
13.A/c Close Charges for Saving Account

Closed before 1 year-Rs.300/-

Closed after 1 yr to 2 year-Rs.200/-

Closed after 2 yrto 3 year- Rs.100/-

Closed after 3 years-Rs.50
14.A/c Close Charges – CA /CC/OD Accounts Closed before 1 year-Rs.1000/-

Closed after 1 yr to 2 year- Rs.750/-

Closed after 2 yr to 3 year Rs.500/-

Closed after 3 years- Rs.250/-

15.Duplicate Statement Charges Vide Mail-Rs.50/-per page,

Vide hard Copy Print: Rs.100/-per page or part there of.

16.Duplicate Pass Book Charges Rs.200/-
17.Addition/Deletion of name in A/c's Rs. 100/-
18.Duplicate Debit Card Charges Rs. 200/-
19.Duplicate PIN for Debit Card Charges Rs. 200/- (No charge for green pin)
20.Annual Maintanance of Debit Card Rs. 200/- (1st Year Free)
21.SMS Charges
At the beginning of every Qtr.
Saving Account:Rs.25/- on Quarterly basis

CA/CC/OD/TL Accounts: Rs.50/- (Quaterly basis)
22.Share Transfer Charges Rs. 250/-
23.Duplicate Share Certificate Chrgs
a. Upto Share holding of 100 Shares Rs. 250/-
b. Above Share Holding of 100 Shares Rs. 500/-
24.Signature Verification Charges Rs. 250/-
25.Mandate Signature Verification Charges Rs. 250/-
26.Certificate Charges (All Type) Rs. 500/-
27.Photo Copy of Cheque Issued Rs.500/-
28.Charges for Bills drawn against LC Rs.1500/-

Incase violation of minimum balance in saving and current accounts system will charge fix amount (mentioned above) for default cases in next consecutive of month.

Particulars Charges (w.e.f 10th July 2024)
Loan processing charges will be taken as per the loan scheme and sanctioned Terms.
These charges collected while forwarding the proposal to Head Office.

In case of sanctioned proposals,branches are advised to take normal processing chrages after excluding the above charges already collected.

Processing Charges are for one year.If the account is reviewed /enhanced after 3 months from the date oflimit expiry,then the charges to be collected for 15 months proportionely.
Particulars Charges
1.Documents for all Loans/Advances to be vetted except those against Bank's own deposit/LIC/NSC/KVP/IVP/RBI Bond etc Limit upto Rs.25 Lacs (In-House): Rs.1000

Limit above Rs.25lacs:Rs.500/-+ Conveyance + Out of pocket + Advocate Charges,if any.

Particulars Charges
1.For Two Wheeler Loans Rs.100/-
For 2.Private Four Wheeler Loans Rs.300/-
3.For All Commercial Vehicle Loans Rs.500/-
Particulars Charges
1.Limit upto Rs.25,000/-

For Retail Loan:Only Conveyance Charges

For Commercial Loans:

NIL + Conveyance charges

2.Above Limit Rs.25,000 to Rs.2 lacs Rs.800/-
3.Above Limit Rs.2 lacs to Rs.10 lacs Rs.1000/-
4.Above Limit Rs.10 lacs Rs.1500/-
Particulars Proposed Charges
1.Extension of Mortgage to existing Loan Rs.1500/- +Conveyance + out of Pocket+ Advocate Charges if any
2.Handling Chrgs for submitting letter of Intimation of Mortgage to Reg. Office Rs.1500/- +Conveyance + Out of Pocket + Advocate Charges if any
Particulars Charges
1.Notice by Branch Rs.500/-+Actual Postage Charges + Out of Pocket Charges+Advocate Chrgs
2.Legal Notice by Advocate Rs.500/-+Actual Postage Charges + Out of Pocket Charges+Advocate Chrgs
Particulars Charges
1.Upto Rs.5 lacs Rs.2500/-
2.Above Rs.5 lacs to Rs.10 lacs Rs.5000/-
3.Above Rs.10 lacs to Rs.50 lacs Rs.7500/-
4.Above Rs.50 lacs Rs.10000/-
I.BANK GUARANTEE COMMISSION - Our Bank's BG (Only Financial BG's)
Particulars Charges
1.BG with 100% Margin 1% p.a. + Handling Charges of Rs. 50/-
2.BG with less than 100% Margin 4% p.a. + Handling Charges of Rs. 50/-
To be charged annually. If period is less, same to be treated as a Quarter.
(i.e : If BG is for 6 Mths, to be charged for 2 Qtrs & if BG is for 7 Mths, to be charged for 3 Qtrs)
Please refer to HO Letter Ref. No. HO\ADV\2016-17\481, dated 24.01.2016 for BG issued from BOB, Bhandup Branch.
Particulars Charges
1.LIC Assignment Rs.150/- per policy + Acutal PO Charges+ Out of Pocket Charges
2.LIC Reassignment Rs.150/- per policy + Acutal PO Charges + Out of Pocket Charges
3.NSC/KVP/IVP/RBI BOND Rs.150/- per policy + Acutal PO Charges+ Out of Pocket Charges
K.CIBIL Charges
1.Consumer Data Rs. 200/-
2.Commercial Data Rs.2000/-
L.CRESAI Charges
1.CERSAI Charges Upto Rs.5.00 lacs limit:Rs.250/-

Above Rs.5.00 lcs limit Rs. 500/-
M.LOCKER Charges w.e.f(01st April 2024)
1.Small Size Locker Rs. 1500/-
2.Small Medium Size Locker Rs. 3000/-
3.Medium Large Size Locker Rs. 5000/-
4.Large Size Locker Rs. 7000/-